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Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial Part 9 - PL/SQL Collections
This series of tutorials has been created as a supplement to the Oracle PL/SQL Language Reference to help
you see quickly how you can use the language features in your applications. We've covered data types,
language elements, cursors, etc. in previous tutorials, Now let’s look at advanced data types - PL/SQL
PL/SQL Collections
In part 3 of this Oracle PL/SQL we introduced the basic data types, however , in order to solve real-world
problems, all languages need structured data types such as records, sets, arrays etc. Other than records,
these structured data types are known as collections in
PL/SQL and are available in 3 different forms:
nested tables
associative arrays
Let's look at the definition and use of each of these in more
PLSQL Nested Tables
Nested tables are one-dimensional arrays which can be
declared in the database as a column in another table and in
PL/SQL as stand-alone tables, however they should not be
confused with the PL/SQL index-by tables that were
available in PL/SQL 8 - those are now known as
associative arrays as we'll see later.
Theoretically nested tables have no upper or lower limits and are therefore constrained only by the amount
of memory available. When created, nested tables are densely populated - i.e. each row in the table has a
value - but rows can be (logically) deleted so nested tables can become sparsely populated. Each row of the
nested table must be of the same type.
Declaring a nested table in PL/SQL is done in 2 stages - first declare a type and then declare a variable of
that type as follows:
TYPE <type_name> IS TABLE OF <existing_type> ;
<variable_name> <type_name>;
For example, suppose we want to create a table of numbers, the declarations would then be
my_tab num_tab;
VARRAYs are variable length, one dimensional, densely populated arrays (dense in the sense that each cell
must exist, although it may be empty). Again each element must be of the same type and like nested tables
they can be defined in the database or in PL/SQL. The declaration defines the size of the array which is
fixed - you cannot add new cells to or delete cells from a VARRAY once you've declared it. These are
designed for storing a small number of attributes.
For example let's suppose we had a very primitive contact management system which stored names, 3
addresses (business,home and head office), 3 email addresses (business, home and alternative) and 3 phone
numbers (business, home and mobile).
In this case we know in advance the maximum number of each type of attribute we want to store so
VARRAYs are ideal for this. If we didn't know how many would be stored (for example we wanted to keep
a history of addresses, names and telephone numbers) then we would use nested tables. For the sake of this
example we'll pretend that PL/SQL automatically stores everything in a database for us.
Like nested tables we first declare a type and then declare a variable of that type as follows:
TYPE <type_name> IS VARRAY <size> OF <existing_type> ;
<variable_name> <type_name>;
To create the data structures required for our example, the declarations would be:-
TYPE phone_no_tab IS VARRAY(3) OF NUMBER ;
TYPE address_tab IS VARRAY(3) OF VARCHAR2(500);
TYPE email_addr_tab IS VARRAY(3) OF VARCHAR2(100);
TYPE name_tab IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(100);
email_addresses email_addr_tab;
Note that at the moment, each of the types of data is stored separately and therefore has to be worked with
separately. To put this all together we need to create another type as a record then create a nested table to
hold the records as follows:-
TYPE contact_rec IS RECORD (
phone_nums phone_no_tab_type;
email_addrs email_addr_tab_type;
TYPE contacts_tab IS TABLE OF contact_rec;
contacts contacts_tab;
PL/SQL Associative Arrays
The final collection type is an associative array - previously known as a PL/SQL tables or an index-by
table. They are known as associative arrays because they are "associated with" (i.e. indexed by) PLSQL
integers or character strings (VARCHAR2, VARCHAR, STRING or LONG data types). Like nested tables,
associative arrays are unbounded, single dimensional and each cell must be of the same type. However,
unlike nested tables, associative arrays are sparse - a cell does not have to exist.
To make this clearer let's have a look at the syntax and an example. As with nested tables we first declare a
type and then declare a variable of that type as follows:
TYPE <type_name> IS TABLE OF <existing_type> ;
<variable_name> <type_name>;
For example, suppose we want to create a table of numbers, the declarations would then be
my_tab number_tab;
The next tutorial looks more deeply into using these collection data types.
As good as these tutorials are, they can only take you so far with learning PL/SQL, so if you want to
become proficient quickly the best way is to take one of our classroom-based Oracle training courses.
PL/SQL tutorial Part 8
PL/SQL tutorial Part 10
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