Oracle Consulting and Training
For Better, Faster, Smarter
Advanced SQL Tutorial (ctd)
Part 1 of our Advanced SQL Tutorial introduced sub-queries and looked at non-correlated sub-queries. This
part looks at the uses of sub queries and touches on performance issues, but this aspect is more thoroughly
explored in our series on Oracle performance tuning.
You might also find our beginner's SQL tutorial, our PL/SQL tutorials or our other Oracle tutorials to be of
Uses of Sub Queries
The most common use of sub queries is in the WHERE
clause of queries to define the limiting condition for the
rows returned (i.e. what value(s) the rows must have to be
of interest), as in the examples in part 1.
However, sub queries can also be used in other parts of the
query. Specifically, sub queries can be used:
to define the limiting conditions for UPDATE and
DELETE statements in the following clauses:-
Instead of a table name in
o INSERT statements - ¦
o UPDATE statements - |-- where it defines the columns affected
o DELETE statements - ¦
o the FROM clause of SELECT statements (where it acts like a view)
To define the set of rows to be created in the target table of a CREATE TABLE AS or INSERT
INTO sql statement.
To define the set of rows to be included by a view or a snapshot in a CREATE VIEW or CREATE
SNAPSHOT statement.
To provide the new values for the specified columns in an UPDATE statement
The first example of sub query shown in advanced SQL tutorial part 1, used a simple equality expression as
we were interested in only one row,:
SELECT name FROM emp WHERE dept_no =
(SELECT dept_no FROM emp WHERE name = 'JONES')
but we can also use the sub query to provide a set of rows.
For example, to find the names of all employees in the same departments as Smith and Jones, we could use
the following SQL statement :-
SELECT name FROM emp WHERE dept_no IN
(SELECT dept_no FROM emp WHERE name IN ('JONES' ,'SMITH'))
In fact, the original example could also return more than one row from the sub query if there were two or
more employees called Jones. In the first example a run-time SQL error would be generated in that case,
because it specified (by using '=') that the sub query should produce no more than one row (it is perfectly
legitimate for a sub query to return no rows).
We can reverse the question to ask for the names of all the employees that are NOT in the same department
as Jones, To do this, the sense of the sub query just has to be reversed by prefixing it with 'NOT' or '!'.
Again depending on whether there might be more than one Jones, we would either use 'IN' or '='.
SELECT name FROM emp WHERE dept_no NOT IN
(SELECT dept_no FROM emp WHERE name = 'JONES')
SELECT name FROM emp WHERE dept_no !=
(SELECT dept_no FROM emp WHERE name = 'JONES')
Return to advanced sql tutorial part 1-subqueries Continue to part 3 - nested sub queries
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