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Oracle tips and tricks
How to get the 2nd or the 3rd highest salary in the
emp table?
Will indexing the underlying tables speed up queries
on the view?
From: amiya ranjan - how to get the 2nd or the 3rd
highest salary in the emp table?
There are a couple of ways to do this, depending on what
you want to do exactly. You could do it programmatically
using PL/SQL (or any other programming language), for
example as follows:
FOR sal_recs IN (SELECT sal FROM emp ORDER BY sal DESC) LOOP
i := i + 1;
IF i=3 THEN <do whatever is needed> END IF;
The other way to do it is use just pure SQL as follows:
(SELECT sal FROM emp WHERE sal <
(SELECT MAX(sal) FROM emp)
This method creates an in-line view (SELECT sal FROM emp ...) which returns all the salaries
less than the maximum salary which in turn is obtained by use of a correlated sub-query
(SELECT MAX(sal) FROM emp).
Note the subtle differences between these 2 approaches. The procedural approach would just take the 3rd
record returned. As the records are sorted in descending order you know that this will be the 3rd highest
Or do you?
If there are 2 or more records with the same highest (max) salary, this will be ignored which may not be
quite what you want. On the other hand, the pure SQL approach ignores additional records that have the
same highest salary and start counting only from the first record with a salary lower than this, but again, if
there are 2 or more records with the same 2nd highest salary, that won't be filtered by your query. To ensure
that any duplicates are eliminated you would have to do it programmatically.
From: Eric Dessureault - HI, after reading your articles, I have a question. I have an Oracle
database with small tables ( 3000 rows max/table, ± 20 tables). I created a view which gathers all
the information from all the tables. Will indexing the tables speed up queries on this view?
The answer is ... it depends. It depends on how big each table is and how many rows you expect to retrieve
by using the query. If the tables are very small, it would be better to cache them - this will keep the table's
data blocks in memory. If the tables are larger and you are only selecting a few rows or just the indexed
column(s), then indexing the columns used to determine which rows are required will speed up the query.
You could also consider using index-organised tables whereby the data columns and the primary key
columns are stored in a b-tree structure, like normal indexes. This can give fast access to the data.
If your view is joining the tables together then you should consider indexing the join columns or creating a
materialised view if the underlying data is relatively stable and queries against the view will be run
frequently or by many different users simultaneously.
With that said, the only way to know for sure is to test each of these possibilities to see which one offers
the biggest overall performance gain. Remember that creating extra indexes may speed up queries but
equally will slow down inserts and deletes on the table due to the need to maintain the indexes.
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Oracle tips and tricks
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